Pain-free through
the right posture

Posture | Posturology

How to become pain free with correct posture

You have never heard of “posturology”? Then you probably know more about the term “posture”. Posturology views the body as a complex system in which various sensory information from the muscles, joints and tendons, as well as from the inner ear, work together to maintain a stable and balanced posture.

Under normal circumstances, this system functions optimally. But muscle weaknesses, biomechanical problems, neurological disorders or visual problems can disrupt this balance. And as well as there are imbalances in one part of the body, the entire “postural chain” no longer functions properly. Possible symptoms from this are acute or chronic physical pain such as back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain, headaches or migraines, but also joint pain or tension (e.g. in the shoulder girdle), arthrosis, a curvature of the spine (scoliosis), a pelvic displacement, flat feet or hollow feet, as well as dizziness, fatigue and balance problems. So there is quite a responsibility on correct posture.

Is it possible to correct postural defects with sports? In principle, it is possible. However, you can also make a lot of things worse by exercising with poor posture. That’s why in Holistic Health Coaching I recommend a posturological analysis and treatment for the above-mentioned problems.

Holistic analysis from top to bottom

In posturology, I take a close look at you and your posture using various diagnostic procedures. First, I photograph and measure the entire body: I analyze posture habits and postural errors, measure the pressure distribution on the feet, assess eye movements and muscle activity. In this way, I also recognize the otherwise imperceptible fluctuations with which the human body keeps itself in balance. Based on the anamnesis data, we can later measure the progress of posture correction.

Based on my examinations, I then develop an individual therapy approach for you to optimize your posture as well as reduce possible pain, injuries or dysfunctions. The medium to long-term goal of my treatment is to improve your general well-being as well as your physical performance.

The most important element of posturological therapy are flat so-called “reprogramming insoles”, which are inserted into your shoes. Unlike orthopedic insoles, they have a galvanic element that stimulates the reflex zones of the skin. This harmonizes the postural muscle chains and achieves better weight distribution under the feet, as well as correcting the overall posture. In this way, the brain regularly receives new information that permanently “overwrites” previously “incorrect programming”.

Some incorrect postures are also associated with a disturbance of eye convergence, i.e. they occur when the movement of the eyes is no longer optimally coordinated. With the use of special eye drops and muscle exercises for the eyes, we can promote the same-sense movement of the eyes and the body regains its balance.

Posturological posture training can work wonders in pain management, among other things. I take about one and a half hours for the initial consultation with anamnesis. In the second appointment you will receive your individual insoles, after that you should come every 6-8 weeks for a short follow-up. You will soon notice the first improvements. In my experience, optimal therapy success is achieved after one and a half to two years.

You want to finally tackle your pain or discomfort from the ground up and get rid of it permanently? I will be happy to support you – take the first step!

“Posture is a reflection
of our inner balance.”

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Posture | Posturology

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