Holistic Health Coaching in Stuttgart

Fit, vital and pain-free – with Holistic Health Coaching

You often feel tired and listless? You are often sick, suffer from allergies or food intolerance? You have stress during the day and sleep disturbances at night? You feel somehow burnt out? Are you plagued by constant back pain, migraines or digestive problems? You have weight problems or hormonal imbalances?

Let’s do something about it! With Holistic Health Coaching I can help you to a healthier and happier life. Even if you are not satisfied with the results of classical medicine.

Holistic Health Coaching in Stuttgart

Fit, vital and pain-free – with Holistic Health Coaching

You often feel tired and listless? You are often sick, suffer from allergies or food intolerance? You have stress during the day and sleep disturbances at night? You feel somehow burnt out? Are you plagued by constant back pain, migraines or digestive problems? You have weight problems or hormonal imbalances?

Let’s do something about it! With Holistic Health Coaching I can help you to a healthier and happier life. Even if you are not satisfied with the results of classical medicine.

Social Media

Natural methods

Together we integrate nature more into your life

Individual Coaching

You will receive a coaching that is 100% tailored to you


Together we optimize your health in all areas of your life

Online & offline

Whether in person or online -
I am there for you

With my holistic approach, I help you get to know your body’s own processes better. You practice using your full potential to improve your physical and mental health.

Let’s find out how I can best help you and have a no obligation conversation with me.

“Health is more than the absence of disease. It is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Holistic Health | Was gehört alles zu Ganzheitlicher Gesundheit?

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Posture | Posturology

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The four areas of
Holistic Health Coaching

Holistic Health looks at the person as a whole – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. All these areas are interconnected and influence each other. Holistic Health Coaching is about restoring balance and harmony throughout the entire system.

Holistic Health Coaching works in all aspects of your life to promote your optimal health and quality of life:








Posture | Posturology

Whether you have an acute problem with physical pain, stress, sleep disorders, obesity or illness, or if you would simply like to improve your performance and quality of life – together we will tackle it. Holistically.

Melanie Hanisch | Health Coach

Health is a conscious decision.

The fact that I feel so fit and carefree today and can enjoy my life was not a matter of course for a long time.

In fact, I often felt listless, unwell and stressed, even though my doctors told me that everything was fine.

But my body was telling me otherwise. This began a long journey for me that took me deeper and deeper into different areas, both professionally and privately, and at times overwhelmed me because of the even contradictory flood of information. What was right? Does “right” or “wrong” exist at all?

Today I would like to help you find a clear path for yourself in this jungle and show you the shortcuts that bring ease and joy into your life. Suitable for your personal requirements in life.

How exactly I can support you, what experiences I have made and what know-how I bring with me, I will gladly tell you on my about me page.

Partner & Ausbildungen

Partners & Trainings

“There are no boundaries. There are only beliefs that we accept.”

– Wayne Dyer

Free initial consultation

Are you ready to reach your
full potential?

Schedule your free initial consultation and let's find out together how I can help you live a healthier and happier life.

Offers for companies | Workplace health promotion

A healthy company needs healthy employees

Workplace health promotion (WHP) measures are a great added value for both employers and employees in many respects. Not least because healthy and motivated employees have a positive effect on the working atmosphere and performance and remain part of the company in the long term thanks to a healthy work-life balance.

I would be happy to advise your company on issues of health promotion and, among other things, on the following key topics:


Workplace design that promotes health


Healthy company catering


Health-oriented employee management