More vitality and a healthy way of living

Nutritional counseling

How to gain more energy and vitality through food

Do you remember what you ate last? And above all, what you were doing on the side? Eating is such an everyday process that in many cases we no longer even consciously notice what and how we eat. However, unhealthy eating habits and foods make people feel listless, tired and listless – or even lead to significant health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

As a nutritionist, I believe that a healthy diet should not be characterized by short-term diets or strict rules. My approach within Holistic Health Coaching is a sustainable healthy diet.

I help you to develop healthy habits that you can and want to maintain in the long term. Only then will your diet lead to a healthy lifestyle in the long run. With the result that you are significantly more efficient and have more energy in everyday life.

Nutritional counseling
just for you

There is no single nutrition plan that is equally suitable for all people. My customized nutritional advice therefore always takes into account your individual goals, your health conditions, your possible allergies or food intolerances as well as your personal preferences and lifestyle. This means: I take care of you exclusively, you don’t get a standard solution out of the drawer.

Do you have problems with nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances or an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? I will advise you comprehensively, help you find your way through the jungle of nutrition myths and, if necessary, create an individual nutrition plan for you.

From my experience, some psychological problems, such as depressive moods, can also be significantly influenced for the better by the right diet, supplements or hormone optimization. Also disease risks with genetic predispositions such as diabetes or obesity can be reduced. The best way is always holistic – together with regular exercise.

Do you feel addressed, do you really want new results and would you even change your eating habits? Then I look forward to our first conversation!

“If the diet is wrong, medicine is useless.
If the diet is right, medicine is unnecessary.”

– Ayurvedic saying

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